The Complete Songs of A. A. Milne (and Lewis Carroll) By Harold Fraser-Simson – Volante Opera Productions

Buckingham Palace
The Christening
Puppy and I
The Four Friends
Lines and Squares
Nursery Chairs
Market Square
Spring Morning
The Three Foxes
Jonathan Jo
At the Zoo
Rice Pudding
Shoes and Stockings
Sand-Between the Toes
Knights and Ladies
Halfway Down
Before Tea
Teddy Bear
Bad Sir Brian Bottany
In the Fashion
The Alchemist
Growing Up
If I were King
The King’s Breakfast
Isn’t It Funny
How Sweet to be a Cloud
It’s Very, Very Funny
Cottleston Pie
Lines written by a Bear of Very Little Brain
Sing Ho! For the Life of a Bear
They All Went Off to Discover the Pole
3 Cheers for Pooh
Cherry Stones
Us Two
The Engineer
Furry Bear
The Emperor’s Rhyme
Down by the Pond
The Friend
Twice Times
Twice Times Cradle Song
Waiting at the Window
Wind on the Hill
In the Dark
The End
The More It Snows
What Shall We Do About Poor Little Tigger?
I Could Spend a Happy Morning
Oh, the Butterflies are Flying
If Rabbit Was Bigger
This Warm and Sunny Spot
I Lay on my Chest
Here Lies a Tree…
Christopher Robin is Going
How Doth the Little Crocodile
Fury Said to a Mouse
You Are Old, Father William
Speak Roughly to your Little Boy
Will You Walk a Little Faster?
‘Tis the Voice of the Lobster
Beautiful Soup
They Told Me You Had Been to Her

Volante Opera Productions

Format: 2 CD
Date de sortie : 19/5/2023
Code barre : 7141148048936 Catégories : ,



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