English Madrigals – Quink Vocal Ensemble

Now is the month of Maying
Farewell, disdainful
No, no, Nigella
Why should I grieve?
Sweet Phyllida
Phyllis, now cease to move me
Too much I once lamented
Those sweet delightful lilies
Phyllis, farewell
Come to me grief, forever
Come, woeful Orpheus
Fair Phyllis I saw
Weep, weep, mine eyes
I fall, I fall, O stay me (1. Teil)
And though my love abounding (2. Teil)
Adieu, sweet Amaryllis
The nightingale, the organ of delight
Hark! all ye lovely saints

Quink Vocal Ensemble

Format: 1 CD
Release date: 26/5/2009
UGS : 0089408032820 Catégories : ,



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