Vision of Peace, way of the Monk : Chant grégorien à l’Abbaye d’Ampleforth.

Visions of Peace, way of the Monk
The Great Bell
Tibi Dixit Cor Meum
Laetatus Sum
Veni Creator Spiritus
Where charity and love are found
Inclitos Christi
Benedictus Deus
ave Maris Stella
The Reading from the Rule of St Benedict and the Confession
The Psalms of Compline
The Hymn at nightfall
The Verse
Nunc Dimittis
Litany, Prayer and Blessing
Hymn to the Virgin Mary
Spiritual Meditation
Quinque Prudentes Virgines
De Lamentatione Jeremiae Prophetae
Christus Factus Est
Te Deum
Miserere Mei
Regem Cui
Ego Sum
In Paradisum, Chorus Angelorum
Urbs Jerusalem Beata

Moines de l’Abbaye d’Ampleforth

Format: 1 CD
Release date: 1/8/2016
UGS : 5055354413223 Catégories : ,



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