Ludwig van Beethoven: Complete Sonatas & Variations For Cello and Piano – Ralph Kirshbaum

Ralph Kirshbaum, Shai Wosner

Format: 2 CD
Release date: 18/11/2016
UGS : 0880040417828 Catégories : , ,


   in Choir & Organ (Jul, 2016)
Following his highly successful recording of La Nativité, Tom Winpenny turns his attention to the remaining pieces from that early period. Alongside L’Ascension we have Diptyque, Apparition de l’église éternelle, Le banquet céleste and the two posthumously published pieces. Once again, Winpenny delivers a fine performance and lets Messiaen’s intensely personal expression of faith speak through the music without getting in the way. ‘Transports de joie’ is therefore ever more uplifting, fully living up to its title. The Rieger organ in St Giles’ is an unusual choice, with the Austrian reeds lending a clinical edge to the sound, but there is sufficient emotional depth to overcome the lack of …

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