A Double Celebration – Cambridge Singers / Rutter

Come, let’s rejoice
Alma Redemptoris Mater
If Ye Love Me
Hosanna to the Son of David (Motette)
Haec Dies
This joyful Eastertide
O gladsome light
Remember not, Lord, our offences Z 50
Ave Virgo gloriosa
Ave verum corpus
Laudate Dominum
Bogoroditsye Dyevfo (Ave Maria) (Motette)
Ave Maria
Requiem op. 48 (Auszug)
In Paradisum
The bluebird
My sweetheart’s like Venus
To be sung of a summer night on the water 2
The silver Swan
Round about in a fair ring
Chansons Nr. 1-3 (Auszug)
Trois beaux oiseaux du paradis
The sprig of thyme (Auszug)
The bold grenadier
Quick! We have but a second
Lay Garland
The sprig of thyme
I know where I’m going
There is a flower
Sans Day carol
I wonder as I wander
Candlelight carol
Away in a manger
Mary’s lullaby
For the beauty oft the Earth
A gaelic blessing
The Lord is my shepherd
O clap your hands
Be thou my vision
Thy perfect love
Lord of the Dance
Lord make me an instrument of peace
Open thou mine eyes
Pie Jesu
All things bright and beautiful
Christ the Lord is risen again
I believe in springtime
I my best-beloved’s am
God be in my head
A choral Amen
O waly, waly
When icicles hang
Blow, blow, thou winter wind
Riddle song
Down by the riverside
Childhood lyrics Nr. 1-5 (Auszug)
The owl and the pussy-cat
When icicles hang
Good ale
Childhood lyrics Nr. 1-5 (Auszug)
Sing a song of sixpence
Traditional songs Nr. 1-5 (Auszug)
Dashing away with the smoothing iron
Suite antique (Auszug)

Cambridge Singers / Rutter, John

Format: 2 CD
Date de sortie : 13/10/2014
Code barre : 0040888013709 Catégories : ,


   in Choir & Organ (Nov, 2014)
This release marks 30 years of the Cambridge Singers and Collegium Records, and also Rutter’s forthcoming 70th. And if one were minded to, one might add that it is 35 years – half a biblical lifespan – since he stood down as director of music at Clare College to concentrate on composition. And what a body of work, sacred and secular, has ensued. Even a generously packed double CD does scant justice to the sheer range both of composer and his favourite vehicle of expression. These recordings were made in a wide range of locations and acoustics between 1983 and 2009, and with an evolving personnel, so there is a variation …

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