Farkas, Ferenc: Choral Music

Missa seconda in honorem Sanctae Margaritae (Messe)
Agnus Dei
Jani Pannoni Epigramma de suo libro
Hymnus ad Sanctum Emericum
Ének Szent Erzsébetröl
Emmaus (Kantate nach dem Lukasevangelium)
Ave maris stella
Je suis l’archange de Dieu
Dans cette étable
Quittes, pasteurs
It came upon the midnight clear
Christmas Cantata (Weihnachtskantate)
Präludium – Chor: Virginis partu Deus
Rezitativ: And there were in the land – Chor: Now the valley darkens
Rezitativ: And lo, the angels of the Lord – Chor: On that night, in Beth’lem town
Rezitativ: And it came to pass – Chor: Come, friends, now leave your sheep
Ritornello – Chor: Ecce pastores ovibus relictis convolant
Rezitativ: Now there came wise men – Trio: On that night of beauty
Rezitativ: And lo, the angels of the Lord – Chor: On that night, in Beth’lem town
Rezitativ: And it came to pass – Trio: Rise up, now we too must go
Rezitativ: The star which they saw – Ritornello – Chor: At Magi tandem
Rezitativ: In the meantime – Chor: Hasten, friends, the news is true – Pastorale
Rezitativ: And all knelt down and worshipped the child – Chor: Holy night when Jesus Christ was born

Franz Liszt Chamber Orchestra / Rolla

Format: 1 CD
Date de sortie : 1/9/2015
Code barre : 5060113442963 Catégories : ,



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