N. Rimski-Korsakov: The Tsar’s Bride – Staatskapelle Dresden / Barenboim

Opening Credits
Die Zarenbraut (Oper in 4 Akten)
The beauty’s on my mind (1. Akt)
Here are my guests
Everything’s not the same, and people, and lands
Our host, may we hear psaltery players?
Hello my goddaughter
Hurry up, dear mother
Szene 5
Why do you
There, God gave (2. Akt)
How calming this evening is
In Novgorod
Ah, what is wrong with me?
Wait my darling
I found out
This is what I have come to, Grigory
Farewell Ivan Sergeyevich
Those are not falcons
Prelude (3. Akt)
Why refuse God’s gifts
Tell me boyar
What would I do
Ah, here is the honey
There, father, you let us into your palace
Rainy cloud
I told you that you should not
More for the groom, less for the bride
Let’s hope to God that you always live in plenty
We praise the bride and groom
Boyars go to you with the Tsar’s word
Prelude (4. Akt)
Forgot yourself
Many bows to boyar Vasily Stepanovich
Long-suffering Tsarevna is ruined
Iva Sergeyevich do you want to go to the garden?
No, no, this is enough
Curtain Calls – End Credits

Daniel Staatskapelle Dresden / Barenboim

Format: 1 Blu-ray Disc
Release date: 14/9/2015
SKU: 3760115304055 Categories: , ,


   in Piano International (Sep, 2015)
Bavouzet and Guy’s programme selects three classic orchestral scores from the years 1910-13, in superb re-imaginings for one or two keyboards. Losses in richness of orchestral timbre are offset by the light and shade of the monochrome medium, which often provides incidental gains in clarity of otherwise unheard detail. This is particularly relevant in Stravinsky’s arrangement of The Rite (1913). There are several competing versions around, but this newcomer is at the front of the pack, gripping in its musicality as much as its precision, captured in sound of stunning immediacy. Superb. …

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