Sacre Du Printemps / Oiseau De Feu / Pe

Stravinsky: The Shrovetide Fair (Scene 4)
In Petrushka’s Room (Scene 2)
In the Moor’s Room (Scene 3)
The Shrovetide Fair evening (Scene 4)
Part 1: The Adoration of the Earth (Version for Orchestra published 1921)
Part 2: The Sacrifice (Version for Orchestra published 1921)
Premier Tableau: “La Tresse” (Première Partie)
Deuxième Tableau: Chez le Marié (Première Partie)
Troisième Tableau: Le Départ de la Mariée (Première Partie)
Quatrième Tableau: Le Repas de Noces (Deuxième Partie)
Introduction (Ballet 1910)
Kashchei’s enchanted garden (Ballet 1910)
Appearance of the Firebird pursued by Ivan Tsarevich (Ballet 1910)
Dance of the Firebird (Ballet 1910)
Ivan Tsarevich captures the Firebird (Ballet 1910)
Supplication of the Firebird (Ballet 1910)
Game of the Princesses with the golden apples (Ballet 1910)
Sudden appearance of Ivan Tsarevich (Ballet 1910)
Round dance of the Princesses (Ballet 1910)
Daybreak (Ballet 1910)
Magic carillon, appearance of Kashchei’s guardian monsters and capture of Ivan Tsarevich (Ballet 1910)
Dance of Kashchei’s retinue under the spell of the Firebird (Ballet 1910)
Infernal dance of all Kashchei’s subject’s (Ballet 1910)
Lullaby of the Firebird (Ballet 1910)
Collapse of Kashchei’s palace and dissolution of all enchantments
Reanimation of the petrified prisoners

Ansermet, Ernest
Ansermet, Ernest

Format: 2 CD
Date de sortie : 24/9/1994
Code barre : 0028944346725 Catégories : ,



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