Must It Always Be So?

Flotsam & Jetsam signature tune
Move into my house
The village blacksmith up-to-date
What was the matter with Rachmaninoff?
Song of love (based on Liszt’s ‘Liebestraum’)
The businessman’s love song
Optimist and pessimist
Little Joan
Maud Marie
Little Betty Bouncer
Must it always be so?
The girl across the way
Love and kisses
Only a few of us left
The Alsatian and the Pekinese
We never know what to expect
When I grow old, Dad
P.C. Lamb
The modern diver
Simon the bootlegger
Song of the air
Polonaise in the mall
Shubert’s toyshop
Our war book
A Britisch spelling song
The postscript

Flotsam & Jetsam

Format: 1 CD
Date de sortie : 5/9/2008
Code barre : 0765387614423 Catégories : ,



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