Canzoni – Matteo Cicchitti

Diego Ortiz Tradado del glosas (Recercadas 1-4)
Tobias Hume The first Part of Ayres, French, Pollish and others together… with Pavanes, Galliards and Almaines (A Galiard, Love’s Almayne, A Toy, A merry Meeting, The Spirit of the almayne, My Mistresse almaine)
Angelo Bertalotti Regole facilissime per apprendere con facilita e prestezza li canto fermo e figurato (Ricercare per contralto 1-11)
Benjamin Hely The Complete Violist (Psalms 100 & 92, Minuet, Ayre slowtime, Bourrée)

Matteo Cicchitti, Musica Elegentia

Format: 1 CD
Release date: 8/7/2022
UGS : 0608917291827 Catégories : ,
