Felix Mendelssohn: Elijah – London Symphony Chorus / Hickox

Elias op. 70 (Oratorium) (Gesamtaufnahme)
Introduction – Rezitativ: As God the Lord of Israel liveth (1. Teil)
Chor: Help, Lord! Wilt Thou quite destroy us? – Rezitativ: The deeps afford no water
Duett: Lord! Bow thine ear to our prayer! – Zion spreadeth her hands for aid
Rezittaiv: Ye people, rend your hearts, and not your garments
Arie: If with all your hearts ye truly seek me
Chor: Yet doth the Lord see it not
Rezitativ: Elijah! Get thee hence, Elijah
Chor: For he shall give his angels charge over thee
Rezitativ: What have I to do with thee, o man of God?
Chor: Blessed are the men who fear him
Rezitativ: As God the Lord of Saboath liveth’
Chor: Baal, we cry to thee; hear and answer us!
Rezitativ: Call him louder, for he is a Gdi!
Rezitativ: Call him louder! He hereth not’
Rezitativ – Arie: Draw near, all ye people, come to me!
Choral: Cast thy burden upon the Lord
Rezitativ: O thou, who makest thine angels spirits – Chor: The fire descends from heaven…
Arie: Is not his word like a fire
Arioso: Woe unto them who forsake him!
Rezitativ: O man of God, help thy people!
Chor: Thanks be to God! He laveth the thirsty land!
Arie: Hear ye, Israel; Hear what the Lord speaketh (2. Teil)
Chor: Be not afraid, saith God the Lord
Rezitativ: The Lord hath exalted thee from among the people – have ye not heard he hath prophesied against all Israel?
Chor: Woe to him, he shall perish; for he closed the heavens!
Rezitativ: Man of God, now let my words be precious in thy sight
Arie: It is enough; O Lord, now take away my life
Rezitativ: See, now he sleepeth beneath a juniper tree in the wilderness
Trio: Lift thine eyes to the mountains, whence cometh help
Chor: He, watching over Israel, slumbers not, nor sleeps
Rezitativ: Arise, Elijah, for thou hast a long journey before thee’
Arie: O rest in the Lord
He that shall endure to the end, shall be saved
Rezitativ: Night falleth round me, O Lord!
Chor: Behold! God the Lord passed by!
Rezitativ: Above him stood the Seraphim
Chor: Go, return upon the way! – Rezitativ: I go on my way in the strength of the Lord
Arioso: For the mountains shall depart, and the hills be removed
Chor: Then did Elijah the prophet break forth like a fire
Arie: Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in their heavenly Father’s realm
Rezitativ: Behold, God hath sent Elijah the prophet
Chor: But the Lord from the north hath raised one
Quartett: O come everyone that thirsteth, o come to the waters’
Chor: And then shall your light break forth as the light of the morning breaketh

Richard London Symphony Chorus / Hickox

Format: 2 CD
Release date: 4/8/2014
UGS : 0095115244821 Catégories : ,



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