Georg Friedrich Handel: Oratorien – Kolner Kammerchor / Collegium Cartusianum / Neumann

Brockes-Passion HWV 48 “Der für die Sünde der Welt gemarterte und sterbende Jesu” (Oratorium) (Gesamtaufnahme)
Chor: Kommet, ihr verworfnen Sünder
Rezitativ: Als Jesus nun zu Tische saß
Accompagnato: Das ist mein Leib
Arie: Der Gott, dem alle
Rezitativ: Und bald hernach
Arie: Gott selbst
Choral: Ach, wie hungert mein Gemüte
Rezitativ: Drauf sagten sie
Chor: Wir alle wollen eh’ erblassen
Rezitativ: Es ist gewiss
Arie: Weil ich den Hirten
Rezitativ: Aufs Wenigste
Arie: Mein Vater, schau wie ich
Rezitativ: Mich drückt der Sünden
Arie: Ist’s möglich, dass dein Zorn
Arioso: Sünder, schaut
Rezitativ: Die Pein vermehrte sich
Arie: Brich, mein Herz
Rezitativ: Ein Engel aber kam
Arioso: Erwachet doch!
Rezitativ: Und eh’ die Rede
Chor: Greift zu, schlagt tot
Rezitiativ: Und der Verräter
Chor: Er soll uns nicht entlaufen
Rezitativ: Nimm, Rabbi
Arie: Gift und Glut, Strahl und Flut
Rezitativ: Steck nur das SChwert
Chor: O weh, sie binden ihn
Rezitativ: Wo flieht ihr hin?
Arie: Nehmt mich mit
Rezitativ: Und Jesus wart
Arie: Was Bärentatzen
Rezitativ: Dies sahe
Arioso: Ich will versinken
Rezitativ: Drauf krähete
Arie: Heul, du Schaum
Rezitativ: Doch wie will ich
Arie: Schau, ich fall in strenger Buße
Choral: Ach, Gott und Herr
Rezitativ: Als Jesus nun
Arie: Erwäg, ergrimmte
Rezitativ: Die Nacht
Arie: Meine Laster
Rezitativ: O was hab’ ich
Arie: Lasst diese Tat
Rezitativ: Unsäglich ist mein Schmerz
Arie: Die ihr Gottes Gnad’
Rezitativ: Wie nun Pilatus
Chor – Rezitativ: Bestrafe
Duett: Sprichst du
Rezitativ: Pilatus wunderte
Rezitativ: Wie er nun sah
Rezitativ: Besinne dich, Pilatus
Rezitativ: Drauf zerreten
Arioso: Ich seh’
Rezitativ: Drum, Seele, schau
Arie: Dem Himmel gleicht
Rezitativ: Wie nun das Blut als Strome
Arie: Die Rosen krönen
Rezitativ: Verwegner Dorn
Arie: Lass doch
Rezitativ: Die zarten Schläfen
Arie: Jesu! Dich mit unsern
Rezitativ: Drauf beugten sie
Rezitativ: Ja
Rezitativ: Worauf sie mit dem Rohr
Rezitaitv: Bestürzter Sünder
Arie: Heil der Welt
Rezitativ: Wie man ihm nun genug
Arie: Eilt
Rezitativ: Ach Gott, mein Sohn
Duett: Soll mein Kind
Rezitativ: Und er trug
Arie: Es scheint
Rezitativ: Wie sie nun an die Stätte
Arie: Hier erstarrt mein Herr
Rezitativ: O Anblick
Choral: O Menschenkind, nur deine Sünd’
Rezitativ: Sobald er nun
Rezitativ: Und eine dicke Finsternis
Arie: Was Wunder
Rezitativ: Dies war zur neunten Stund’
Arioso: Mein Heiland
Rezitativ: Drauf lief ein Kriegsknecht
Terzett: O Donnerwort!
Rezitativ: O selig
Arie: Sind meiner Seelen
Rezitativ: O Großmut!
Arie: Brich, brüllender
Rezitativ: Ja, ja, es brüllet
Arie: Wie kommt’s
Accompagnato: Bei Jesus’ Tod
Choral: Mein’ Sünd’ mich werden kränken
Arie: Wisch ab der Tränen
Choral: Ich bin ein Glied an deinem Leib
Das Alexanderfest oder Die Macht der Musik HWV 75 (Oratorium) (Gesamtaufnahme)
Rezitativ: Twas at the royal feast
Arie: Happy, happy, happy pair!
Rezitativ: Timotheus plac’d on high
Accompagnato: The song began from jove
Chor: The list’ning crown admire the lofty sound
Arie: With ravish’d ears
Rezitativ: The praise of Bacchus
Arie: Bacchus, ever fair – Chor: Bacchus’ blessings are a treasure
Rezitativ: Sooth’d with the sound
Accompagnato: He chose a mournful muse
Arie: He sung Darius great and good
Accompagnato: With downcast looks the joyless victor sate
Chor: Behold Darius, great and good
Rezitativ: The mighty master smil’d to see
Arioso: Softly sweet, in Lydian measures
Arie: War, he sund, is toil and trouble
Chor: The Many rend the skies
Arie: The Prince, unable to conceal his pain
Chor: The many rend the skies
Accompagnato: Now strike the golden lyre – Chor: Break his bands of sleep – Accompagnato: Hark! hark! – The horrid sound
Arie: Revenge, Timotheus cries
Accompagnato: Give the vengeance due
Arie: The princes applaud with a furious joy
Arie: Thais led the way – Chor: The princes applaud with a furious joy
Accompagnato: Thus long ago – Chor: At last divine Cecilia came
Rezitativ: Let old Timotheus yield the prize
Chor: Let old Timotheus yield the prize
Ode zum St. Cäcilien-Tag HWV 76 (Gesamtaufnahme)
Ouvertüre – Menuet
Rezitativ: From harmony, from heav’nly harmony – Accompagnato: When nature, underneath a heap
Chor: From harmony, from heav’nly harmony
Arie: What passion cannot Music raise
Arie und Chor: The Trumpets loud clangor
La Marche
Arie: The soft complaining Flute
Arie: Sharp Violins proclaim
Arie: But oh! what art can teach
Arie: Orpheus could lead the savage race
Accompagnato: But bright Cecilia rais’d the wonder high’r
Chor: As from the pow’r of sacred lays
Israel in Ägypten HWV 54 (Oratorium) (Gesamtaufnahme)
Sinfonie (1. Teil)
Chor: The sons of Israel do mourn
Quartett: When the ear heard him
Chor: How is the mighty fall’n
Soli und Chor: The righteous shall be had
Chor: Their bodies are buried in peace
Chor: The people will tell of their wisdom
Quartett: They shall receive
Chor: The merciful goodness of the Lord
Rezitativ: Now there arose a new king (2. Teil)
Solo und Chor: And the children of Israel
Rezitativ: Then sent he Moses
Chor: They loathed to drink of the river
Arie: Their land brought forth frogs
Chor: He spake the word
Chor: He gave them hailstones for rain
Chor: He sent a thick darkness
Chor: He smote all the firstborn of Egypt
Chor: But as for his people
Chor: Egypt was glad when they departed
Chor: He rebuked the Red Sea
Chorus: And Israel saw that great work
Chor: Moses and the children of Israel
Duet: The Lord is my strenght
Chor: He is my God
Duet: The Lord is a man of war
Chor: The depths have cover’d them
Chor: Thy right hand, O Lord
Chor: And with the blast of thy nostrils
Arie: The enemy aisd, I will pursue
Arie: Thou didst blow with the wind
Chor: Who is like unto thee, O Lord
Duett: Thou in thy mercy hast led forth thy people
Chor: The people shall hear
Arie: Thou shalt bring them in
Chor: The Lord shall reignn for ever and ever
Rezitativ: For the horse of Pharaoh
Chor: The Lord shall reign for ever and ever
Rezitativ: And Miriam the prophetess
Solo und Chor: Sing ye to the Lord
L’Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato HWV 55 (Ode) (Gesamtaufnahme)
Concerto grosso G-Dur op. 6 Nr. 1 HWV 319
Accompagnato: Hence! loathed Melancholy (1. Teil)
Accompagnato: Hence! vain deluding Joys
Arie: Come, thou goddess feir and free
Arie: Come rather, goddess, sage and holy
Arie: Haste thee, hymph
Chor: Haste thee, hymph
Arie: Come, and trip it
Chor: Come, and trip it
Accompagnato: Come, pensive nun
Arie: Come, but keep thy wonted state
Accompagnato und Arie: There held in holy passion still
Chor: And join with thee
Rezitativ: Hence! loathed Melancholy
Rezitativ: And if I give thee honour due
Arie: Mirth, admit me of thy crew
Accompagnato: First, and chief, on golden wing
Arie: Sweet bird, that shun’st the noise of folly
Rezitativ: If I give thee honour due
Arie: Mirth, admit me of thy crew
Arie: Oft an a plat of rising ground
Arie: Far from all resort of mirth
Rezitativ: If I give thee honour due
Siciliana: Le me wander, not unseen
Arie: Straight mine eye hath caught new pleasures
Accompagnato: Mountains, on whose barren breast
Arie: Or let the merry bells ring round
Chor: And young and old come forth to play
Accompagnato: Hence! vain deluding joys (2. Teil)
Arie: Sometimes let gorgeous Tragedy
Arie: But oh! sad virgin
Rezitativ: Thus, night, oft see mee
Solo und Chor: Populous cities pleas me then
Arie: There let Hymen oft appear
Accompagnato: Me, when the sun begins to fling
Arie: Hide me from day’s garish eye
Arie: I’ll to the welltrod stage anon
Arie: And ever againt eating cares
Arie: Orpheus’ self may heave his head
Arie: These delights if thou canst give
Chor: These delights if thou canst give
Rezitativ: But let my due feet never fail
Chor und Solo: There let the pealing organ blow
Solo und Chor: These pleasures, Melancholy, give
Accompagnato: Hence, boast not, ye profane
Arie: Come, with native lustre shine
Accompagnato: Sweet temp’rance in thy right hand bear
Chor: All this company serene
Arie: Come, with gentle hand restrain
Rezitativ: No more short life they then will spend
Arie: Each action will derive new grace
Duett: As steals the morn upon the night
Chor: Thy pleasures, Moderation
Der Messias HWV 56 (Oratorium) (Gesamtaufnahme)
Sinfonie (1. Teil)
Accompagnato: Comfort ye my people
Arie: Ev’ry valley shall be axalted
Chor: And the glory of the Lord
Accompagnato: Thus saith the Lord
Arie: But who may abide
Chor: And He shall purify
Rezitativ: Behold, a virgin shall conceive – Arie: O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion
Accompagnato: For behold, darkness shall cover the earth
Arie: The people that walked in darkness
Chor: For unto us a child is born
Rezitativ: There were shepherds abiding in the field
Accompagnato: And Io, the angel of the Lord
Rezitativ: And the angel said unto them – Accompagnato: And suddenly there was eith the angel
Chor: Glory to God in the highest
Arie: Rejoice greatly
Rezitativ: Then shall the eyes of the blind – Arie: He shall feed His flock
Chor: His yoke is easy
Chor: Behold the Lamb of God (2. Teil)
Arie: He was despised
Chor: Surely He hath borne our griefs
Chor: And with His stripes we are healed
Chor: All we, like sheep
Accompagnato: All they that see Him
Chor: He trusted in god that He would deliver Him
Accompagnato: Thy rebuke hath broken His heart
Arioso: Behold, and see, if there be any sorrow
Accompagnato: He was cut off out of the land of the living
Arie: But Thou didst not leave His soul in hell
Chor: Lift up your heads
Rezitativ: Unto which of the angels – Chor: Let all the angels of God
Arie: Thou art gone up on high
Chor: The Lord gave the word
Arie: How beautiful are the feet of them
Chor: Their sound is gone out
Arie: Why do the nations
Chor: Let us break their bonds asunder
Rezitativ: He that dwelleth – Arie: Thou shalt break them
Chor: Halleluja
Arie: I know that my Redeemer liveth (3. Teil)
Chor: Since by man came death
Accompagnato: Behold, I tell you a mystery
Arie: The trumpet shall sound
Rezitativ: Then shall be brought – Duett: O death, where is thy sting?
Chor: But thanks be to God
Arie: If God be for us
Chor: Worthy is the Lamb that was slain – Chor: Amen
Solomon (Salomo) HWV 67 (Oratorium) (Gesamtaufnahme)
Ouvertüre (1. Teil)
Chor: Your harps and cymbals
Arie: Praise ye the Lord
Chor: With pious heart
Arie: Amlighty pow’r
Rezitativ: Imperial Solomon
Arie: Sacred raptures cheer my breast
Chor: Throughtout the land
Rezitativ: Bless’d be the Lord
Arie: What though I trace
Rezitativ: And see my queen
Arie: Bless’d the day
Rezitativ: Thou fair inhabitant
Duett: Welcome
Rezitativ: Vain are the transient beauties
Arie: Indulge my faith
Rezitativ: My blooming fair
Arie: Haste, haste
Rezitativ: When thou art absent
Arie: With thee th’unshelter’d moor
Rezitativ: Search round the world
Chor: May no rash intruder
Chor: From the censer (2.Teil)
Rezitativ: Prais’d be the Lord
Arie: When the sun
Rezitativ: Great prince
Arie: Thrice bless’d
Rezitativ: My sovereign liege
Terzett: Words are weak
Rezitativ: What says the other
Arie: Thy sentence
Rezitativ: Withhold, withhold the executing hand
Arie: Can I see my infant
Rezitativ: Israel, attend
Duett: Thrice bless’d be the king
Chor: From the east
Rezitativ: From morn to eve
Arie: See the tall palm
Rezitativ: No more shall
Arie: Beneath the vine
Chor: Swell, well
Sinfonie: Arrival of Queen of Sheba (3. Teil)
Rezitativ: From Arabia’s spicy shores
Arie: Ev’ry sight
Rezitativ: Sweep, sweep
Solo und Chor: Music, spread thy voice around
Solo und Chor: Now a diff’rent measure try
Rezitativ: Then at once
Chor: Draw the tear
Rezitativ: Next the tortur’d soul
Solo und Chor: Thus rolling surges rise
Rezitativ: Thy harmony’s divine
Arie: Pious king
Rezitativ: Thrice happy
Arie: Golden columns
Chor: Praise the Lord
Rezitativ: Gold now is common
Arie: How green
Rezitativ: May peace
Arie: Will the sun
Rezitativ: Adieu, fair queen
Duett: Ev’ry joy
Chor: The name of the wicked

Peter – Speck, Holger – B Kolner Kammerchor / Collegium Cartusianum / Neumann

Format: 13 CD
Release date: 1/6/2016
UGS : 4009350830400 Catégories : , , ,



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