Henry Purcell: Royal Welcome Songs For King Charles II, Vol.2 – The Sixteen

Hear my prayer, O Lord, Z15
O solitude, my sweetest choice, Z406
Lord, how long wilt Thou be angry, Z25
Pavan of Four Parts in G minor, Z752
Plung’d in the confines of despair, Z142
Welcome Song – Welcome to all the pleasures, Z339
Welcome to all the pleasures
Here the deities approve
While joys celestial
Beauty, thou scene of love
In a consort of voices
In Thee, O Lord, do I put my trust, Z16
From silent shades and the Elysian groves, Z370
Catch: Of all the instruments that are, Z263
Welcome Song: From hardy climes and dangerous toils of war, Z325
From hardy climes
As Fame, great Sir
Wake then, my muse!
The sparrow and the gentle dove
So all the boons

The Sixteen, Harry Christophers

Format: 1 CD
Release date: 1/12/2019
UGS : 0828021617324 Catégories : , ,



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