John Buckley: To The Northeast – Mornington Singers

Music, When Soft Voices Die
To Sleep
5 Two-part Songs for Children
He Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven
There Is a Spot Mid Barren Hills
3 Irish Folksongs
Lux Aeterna
To the Northeast

Mornington Singers, Orla Flanagan

Format: 1 CD
Date de sortie : 1/2/2019
Code barre : 0809730518720 Catégories : ,


   in Choir & Organ (May, 2019)
‘In the beginning was the Word’, and the word is of paramount importance to Irish composer and pedagogue John Buckley. The poetry he sets is picked assiduously – Shelley, Keats, Yeats, Emily Brontë, Lewis Carroll, Michael Hartnett, 9th-century Irish texts. Taking such meticulous care to be true to the intentions of the poet can run the danger of restricting the composer. Buckley’s writing is skilfully crafted and full of Celtic ornamentation. Chromaticism plays an important part in these settings which he uses creatively and there are enjoyable touches of humour; nevertheless, the music comes across as the composer’s own personal meditation and not an adventurous exploration. Orla Flanagan’s Mornington Singers are …

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