Kernis: Goblin Market

Goblin Market (1995)
Introduction: Misterioso (1. Teil)
Morning and evening, Maids heard the goblins cry: With energy
Evening by evening among the brookside rushes: Tranquil
One set his basket down, one reared his plate: Slowly, with swagger
Lizzie met her at the gate full of wise upbraidings: Meno
Early in the morning when the first cock crowed his warning (Teil 2)
Laughed every goblin when they spied her peeping: Presto
She cried, Laura, up the garden: With movement – Exuberant
Epilogue: Moderato
Invisible Mosaic 2 (1988)

Mary King / Rebecca Mille New Professionals

Format: 1 CD
Release date: 1/1/2011
UGS : 0635212018620 Catégories : ,


Piano International (Mar, 2014)
This varied and enjoyable disc from married duo Bax and Chung is notable mainly for Stravinsky’s own four-hand transcription of Petrushka, heard here in a remarkably affectionate performance. The opening of the Shrovetide Fair is misty, almost Impressionist. This is an intelligent reading, ever aware of the linear element and highlighting strands impeccably. Rhythm, so vital here, is well disciplined. While the imitations of the drum remain unconvincing, this is a minor matter in a performance as vital as this. The Brahms brings great contrast, and the players accord it great warmth, in terms of both tone and spirit. The miraculously beautiful shading of No 7 (C sharp minor) demands mention. …

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