Music of the Spheres: Part Songs of the British Isles – Tenebrae

Two Songs from Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night
Music, When Soft Voices Die
The Bee
Three Shakespeare Songs
Found Part-Songs, Op. 54
Soft Music
The Drowned Lovers
The Blue Bird, Op. 119
On Time, Op. 142
Song of June
The Modern Man I Sing

Tenebrae, Nigel Short

Format: 1 CD
Release date: 9/12/2016
UGS : 0635212090428 Catégories : ,


   in Choir & Organ (Jan, 2017)
This beautifully performed and recorded CD celebrates British composers’ responses to the part-song genre, with celebrated examples from Elgar, Bridge, Stanford (The Blue Bird)and Vaughan Williams (Three Shakespeare Songs), as well as less well-known examples from Jonathan Harvey, Judith Bingham and Bob Chilcott. Shakespeare is also a theme, and two of the most intriguing rarities are settings of ‘Come away, Death’ and ‘O Mistress mine’ by Herbert Murrill (1909–52). A largely forgotten figure from the middle years of the last century, Murrill composed a great deal of theatre incidental music and some film scores in the 1930s, when he served as head of music at the BBC. Tenebrae’s youthful sound is …

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