Peteris Plakidis: You Wonder At My Song

Peteris Plakidis
Sorrowful Song
Lyrical Cycle
Three Poems by Ojars Vacietis
Two Songs with Lyrics by Rainis
What is the Noise, What is the Clatter?
Three Poems by Maris Caklais
A Last Farewell
The Red Candle
A Small Diptych
Lake, Chamber Cantata

Maija Krigena, mezzo-soprano
Peteris Plakidis, piano
Maija Krigena, mezzo-soprano
Arturs Grinups, contrebasse
Imants Sneibis, flûte
Andrejs Krauze, clarinette
Vilnis Pelnens, hautbois
Maija Krigena, mezzo-soprano
Vilnis Pelnens, hautbois
Peteris Plakidis, piano
Maija Krigena, mezzo-soprano
violoncelle ensemble
Peteris Plakidis, piano
Maija Krigena, mezzo-soprano
Juris Lacis, clarinette
Peteris Plakidis, piano
Maija Krigena, mezzo-soprano
Brigita Mieze, orgue
Maija Krigena, mezzo-soprano
Vilnis Pelnens, hautbois
Uldis Urbans, cor anglais
Riga corde Quartet

Format: 1 CD
Date de sortie : 1/3/2015
Code barre : 0034061154822 Catégories : ,



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