Scott: Moonstruck

Moonstrick (Lieder)
Milkwort and bog-cotton
The eemis Stane
The Sauchs in the reuch heuch hauch
A waukin, O
Amang the trees
The discreet hint
Je descendis dans mon jardin
Lourd on my hert
The watergaw
Country life
Wheesht, wheest
O, wha my babie-clouts will buy?
Mi wife’s a wanton wee thing
The innumerable Christ
I wha aince in Heaven’s heicht
An apprentice angel
Hungry waters
Te deil o’bogie
To a lady
Cupid and Venus
The old fisherman
Im tiroler Wirtshaus
In time of tumult
The man in the moon
First love
Empty vessel
The wren’s nest
Love of Alba
The wee man

Roderick Williams, Iain B Lisa Milne

Format: 1 CD
Date de sortie : 1/4/2007
Code barre : 0635212009628 Catégories : ,



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