Sharkey And His Kings Of Dixieland – Sharkey Bonano

Tin roof blues
Tailgate ramble
That’s a plenty
Muskrat ramble
Bucket got a hole in it
Farewell blues
Hich society
Bourbon street bounce
Over the waves
Pizza pie boogie
I’m satisfied with my gal (“Yes she do, no she don’t”)
She’s crying for me
Solo mio stomp
Sharkey strut
Peculiar rag
In the mood
Candy baby
That da da strain
Temptation rag
Somebody stole my gal
The eyes of Texas are upon you
Corrine Corrina
Basin street blues
Weary blues
I’ going home
With a pack on my back
Pack up troubles
Banan peel rag
Hungry woman
Kiddin’ with chopin
North rampart street march
You are my sunshine
Auf Wiedersehn sweetheart
Way down yonder in New Orleans
Ballin’ the Jack
My old Kentucky home
Five Foot Two, Eyes Of Blue
How’m I doin
Bill Bailey won’t you please come home
I ain’t gonna give nobody none o’ this jellyroll
Famous door boogie
Keep it a secret
Why don’t you believe me
If I had you
Has anybody seen my Kitty
Bugle call rag
Runnin’ wild
A good man is hard to find
Lizzie’s blues
Salty dog
Darktown Strutter’s Ball
Blue turning grey over you
Have you ever benn lonely
San Sue strut
Look sharp, be sharp

Sharkey Bonano

Format: 2 CD
Date de sortie : 23/4/2008
Code barre : 0604988066920 Catégories : ,



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