Suk : Un conte d’été. Belohlavek.

Josef Suk : Un conte d’été. Prague.

BBC Symphony Orchestra, Jiri Belohlavek, direction.

Format: 1 SACD hybride
Date de sortie : 1/11/2012
Code barre : 0095115510926 Catégories : , ,


   in Classical Music (Sep, 2012)
Two intensely lyrical, beautifully orchestrated symphonic poems brought vividly to life by B?lohlávek and the orchestra whose reins he relinquishes this year. A Summer’s Tale is perhaps best seen as a sequel to the harrowing Asrael symphony, Suk finding (rather than cruelty and unfairness) the consolation and warmth the natural world can bring. Prague is an earlier work, an affectionate tribute to his home city. The recording is demonstration quality in both stereo and surround: these works have never sounded better. …

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