Tavener: Missa Wellensis – Wells Cathedral Choir

Missa Wellensis (Messe)
Sanctus – Benedictus
Agnus Dei
The Lord’s Prayer
Love bade me welcome
Preces and responses (Auszug)
1. Teil
I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills (Psalm 121)
Magnificat und Nunc dimittis “Collegium Regale”
Nunc dimittis
Preces and responses (Auszug)
2. Teil
Song for Athene
Prayer for the healing of the sick
They are all gone into the world of light
Final responses

Wells Cathedral Choir, Matthew Owens

Format: 1 CD
Release date: 14/10/2016
UGS : 0635212044223 Catégories : ,


   in Choir & Organ (Nov, 2016)
This fine addition to the Tavener discography brings together many works from the composer’s final years, some of which were commissioned by the Wells Cathedral Choir and here receive their premiere recordings. Following a serious heart attack that placed him in a coma, Tavener emerged from the experience with his religious faith dented and a three-year convalescence ahead during which he was often depressed and physically immobile. When he did return to composition, he tended to focus on short sacred pieces in the western rather than the Orthodox tradition. The main work on Matthew Owens’s well-filled CD is the Missa Wellensis, a double choir Latin setting from 2013. The Wells choir …

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