
The Artistry of Emma Kirkby

Handel Gloria
Handel Salve Regina, HWV 241
Handel O qualis de coelo sonus, HWV239
Handel Coelestis dum spirat aura, HWV231
Handel Laudate pueri, HWV 236, “Psalm 112”
Böddecker Natus est Jesus
J S Bach Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland, BWV 61: Offne dich mein ganzes Herze
J S Bach Herz and Mund and Tat and Leben, BWV 147a
Graupner Cantata, Ach Gott and Herr
F Couperin Trois Leçons de Ténèbres
Lalande Troisieme Lecon de Tenebres du Mercredi Saint, s118
A Scarlatti Non so qual piu m’ingombra
A Scarlatti Cantata pastorale ‘O di Betlemme altera’
Ariosti Pur al fin gentil Viola (So at last, gentle Viola)
Amodei Su l’ore che l’aurora
Amodei Va’, ché l’hai fatto a me
Amodei Lieve al pie, grave al passo
Dowland O sweet woods
Dowland I saw my Lady weepe
Dowland Book of Songs, Book 3: Daphne was not so chaste as she was changing
Dowland Book of Songs, Book 3: Farewell, too fair
Dowland Book of Songs, Book 2: Time’s eldest son
Dowland Shall I strive with wordes to move?
Danyel Dost thou withdraw thy grace?
R Johnson Full fathom five
India Da l’onde del mio pianto
Schimmelpfennig Dolce tempo passato
Schütz Erbarm dich mein, O Herre Gott, SWV447
Moulinié Paisible et ténébreuse nuit
J B Boesset Que Philis a l’esprit léger
H Lawes Anacreon’s Ode, call’d The Lute (original Greek)
H Lawes Away, away, Anacreon (‘Anacreon’s Ode Englished’)
H Lawes At dead low ebb of night (‘A tale out of Anacreon’)
Blow Sappho to the Goddess of Love
John Wilson Diffugere nives (Horace, Odes IV, 7)
A II Ferrabosco So beautie on the waters stood
H Lawes Orpheus’ Hymn to God
M Greene Orpheus with his lute
Weldon Stop, O ye waves
Handel Gloria
Handel Salve Regina, HWV 241
Handel O qualis de coelo sonus, HWV239
Handel Coelestis dum spirat aura, HWV231
Handel Laudate pueri, HWV 236, “Psalm 112”
Böddecker Natus est Jesus

Emma Kirkby

Format: 5 CD
Release date: 26/2/2009
UGS : 7318591734352 Catégories : , ,

Le prix initial était : 31,90€.Le prix actuel est : 20,74€.

La promotion se termine le : 31/12/2024


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