Thomas Sleeper: Einstein’s Inconsistency

Thomas Sleeper
The King’s Portrait
The Original Voice
The Monarch
Rubric’s Cubicle
St. Anthony’s Loss
Last Minute
Job’s Answer

Caitlin McKechney
Kimberly Soby
Tony Boutté
Jeffrey Williams
G. Bruno
Bruno Philharmonia
Thomas Sleeper, direction
Imberly Soby
Caitlin McKenchney
Tony Boutté
Jeffrey Williams
Bruno Philharmonia
Thomas Sleeper, direction
Caitlin McKechney
Jeffrey Williams
Bruno Philharmonia
Thomas Sleeper, direction
Kimberly Soby
John Duykers
Tony Boutté
Jeffrey Williams
Bruno Philharmonia
Thomas Sleeper, direction
Tony Boutté
Jeffrey Williams
Bruno Philharmonia
Thomas Sleeper, direction
Kimberly Soby
Caitlin McKechney
Tony Boutté
John Duykers
Jeffrey Williams
Bruno Philharmonia
Thomas Sleeper, direction
Celestial Chorus
John Duykers
Bruno Philharmonia
Thomas Sleeper, direction

Format: 1 CD
Date de sortie : 1/3/2015
Code barre : 0034061155126 Catégories : ,



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