Wagner : Extraits Lohengrin, Parsifal, Rienzi. Vogt, Nott.

Richard Wagner : Airs extraits des Maîtres chanteurs de Nuremberg, Lohengrin, Parsifal, Rienzi, Tristan et Isolde*, Le Vaisseau fantôme, Le Crépuscule des dieux, La Walkyrie*.

Klaus Florian Vogt (ténor), Camilla Nylund (soprano)*, Orchestre symphonique de Bamberg, Jonathan Nott, direction.

Format: 1 CD
Release date: 1/4/2013
SKU: 0887654451521 Categorieën: ,


   in Opera Now (May, 2013)
If Vogt ever tackles the crossover market it might be an idea to call him the Marmite Tenor – you either love him or loathe him. Detractors consider his voice blanched and worthy of a jumped-up Tamino at best, his fans rhapsodise about his pure tone, elegant phrasing and acuity of expression. Having heard him live just once, as Walther in Die Meistersinger, I found his voice a true Heldentenor but infinitely more dynamically refined than we are used to these days. As far as studio engineering allows us to judge, this disc supports this view. Vogt’s Lohengrin and Parsifal are beautifully judged and performed, and possess true radiance; Rienzi and …

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