Weinberg: Chamber Symphonies & Piano Quintet – Gidon Kremer

Chamber Symphony No.3 op.151
Chamber Symphony No.2 op.147
Chamber Symphony No.1 op.145
Piano Quintet op.18
Chamber Symphony No.4 op.153

Gidon Kremer, Kremerata Baltica

Format: 2 CD
Release date: 13/1/2017
SKU: 0028948146048 Categorieën: , , ,


A la tête de son légendaire Kremerata Baltica, le violoniste letton, qui fête cette année ses 70 ans, poursuit sa fascinante exploration de l’univers musical du compositeur Russo-Polonais Mieczys?aw Weinberg.

Aan het hoofd van zijn legendarische Kremerata Baltica, zet de Letse violist, die dit jaar zijn 70ste verjaardag viert, de fascinerende verkenning van de muzikale wereld van de Russisch-Poolse componist Mieczyslaw Weinberg verder.

   in Classical Music (Mar, 2017)
These days, Polish-born Soviet composer Mieczys?aw Weinberg needs little introduction: much of this is due to the passionate advocacy of artists such as Kremer, for whom this is clearly a labour of love. His direction of three of the four late chamber symphonies, all from the difficult last decade of the composer’s life, is exemplary (as is that of Gražinyt?-Tyla in No 4), each imaginatively written work vibrant, intense and distinctive. The arrangement of the piano quintet for piano, string orchestra and percussion adds nothing to a tremendous piece, although the current performance of this version is unlikely to be bettered. Excellent sound throughout what is a fascinating and important release. …

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