Liszt: My Mothers Songbook – Elena Rozanova

12 Lieder Von Franz Schubert, S.558 No.8: Gretchen Am Spinnrade 
Schwanengesang, S.560 No.4: Ständchen 
12 Lieder Von Franz Schubert, S.558 No.4: Erlkönig 
12 Lieder Von Franz Schubert, S.558 No.12: Ave Maria 
12 Lieder Von Franz Schubert, S.558 No.2: Auf Dem Wassser Zu Singen 
12 Lieder Von Franz Schubert, S.558 No.6: Die Junge Nonne 
Die Forelle, S.564 (After Franz Schubert) 
Liebeslied (Widmung), S.566 (After Robert Schumann, Op.25 No.1) 
Années de Pèlerinage, II, S.161 No.4: Sonetto 47 Del Petrarca 
Années de Pèlerinage, II, S.161 No.5: Sonetto 104 Del Petrarca 
Années de Pèlerinage, II, S.161 No.6: Sonetto 123 Del Petrarca 
6 Polish Songs, S.480 (After Chopin, Op.74) No.2: Frühling 
6 Polish Songs, S.480 (After Chopin, Op.74) No.3: Das Ringlein 
6 Polish Songs, S.480 (After Chopin, Op.74) No.4: Bacchanal 
6 Polish Songs, S.480 (After Chopin, Op.74) No.6: Die Heimkehr 

Elena Rozanova

Format: 1 CD
Release date: 4/3/2022
UGS : 5051083175562 Catégories : ,


Liszt devoted more than half his output to the transcription. This latter covers a vast field of compositions, from the symphonies of Beethoven to Berlioz, Bach, Lassus and his contemporaries, as well as his own works. Here Elena Rozanova brings together some of his transcriptions of lieder by Schubert, Schumann and Chopin, well-known or not so well-known, that have cradled her childhood. From these virtuoso pieces we can feel the art of Liszt, who manages to preserve the quintessence of the original works and to transcend the word, even though it is absent.

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