Matthias Weckman: Matthias Weckman : L’Ouvre D’Orgue – Foccroulle

O lux beata trinitas
Primus versus
Secundus versus
Tertius versus
Quartus versus: Variation 1 – Variation 2 – Variation 3 – Variation 4
Quintus versus
Sextus versus
Canzona C-Dur
Canzon c-moll
Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ
Primus versus
Secundus versus
Tertius versus
Quartus versus
Nun freut euch, lieben Christen g’mein
Primus versus
Secundus versus
Tertius versus
Canzon d-moll
Komm, heiliger Geist, Herre Gott
Primus versus
Secundus versus
Tertius versus
Magnificat im 2. Ton
Primus versus
Secundus versus
Tertius versus
Quartus versus
Gott sei gelobet und gebenedeiet
Primus versus
Secundus versus
Canzon C-Dur
Ach wir armen Sünder
Versus 1
Versus 2
Versus 3
Fuga D-Dur
Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ
Primus versus
Secundus versus
Tertius versus
Canzon G-Dur
Es ist das Heil uns kommen her
Primus versus
Secundus versus
Tertius versus
Quartus versus
Quintus versus
Sextus versus
Septimus et ultimus versus

Foccroulle, Bernard

Format: 2 CD
Release date: 1/10/2014
Barcode: 5400439003484 Categories: ,


   in Choir & Organ (Mar, 2015)
Thanks to Hans Davidsson’s research, Weckmann has been re-established as the most important composer between Scheidemann and Buxtehude. His friendship with Froberger was influential in transmitting Italian keyboard music to north Germany, and Weckmann was active just as the north German organs were achieving their unprecedented maturity. Foccroulle’s recording of the complete extant organ music was recorded on three valuable historic organs. Weckmann’s surviving repertoire is small: chorale variations, praeludia in stylus phantasticus, and canzonas (as a famous improviser, so many works must be lost). The playing is clear, stylish and authoritative, and can be very highly recommended. …

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