Weill: The Seven Deadly Sins – Magdalena Kozena

Die sieben Todsünden (The Seven Deadly Sins)
I. Prolog (Prologue)
II. Faulheit (Sloth)
III. Stolz (Pride)
IV. Zorn (Wrath)
V. Völlerei (Gluttony)
VI. Unzucht (Lust)
VII. Habsucht (Greed)
VIII. Neid (Envy)
IX. Epilog (Epilogue)
Vom Tod im Wald (Death in the Forest), Op. 23
Vom Tod im Wald (Death in the Forest), Op. 23
Street Scene
Act I, Lonely House
Four Walt Whitman Songs
I. Beat! Beat! Drums!
IV. Dirge for Two Veterans
Kleine Dreigroschenmusik (Little Threepenny Music)
I. Ouvertüre (Overture)
II. Die Moritat von Mackie Messer (The Ballad of Mack the Knife)
III. Anstatt-dass Song (Instead of…)
IV. Die Ballade vom angenehmen Leben (Ballad of the Pleasant Life)
V. Pollys Lied (Polly’s Song)
VI. Tango-Ballade (Tango Ballad)
VII. Kanonen-Song (Cannon Song)
VIII. Dreigroschen-Finale (Threepenny Finale)

Magdalena Kozena, Andrew Staples, Alessandro Fisher, Florian Boesch, London Symphony Orchestra, Simon Rattle

Format: 1 SACD Hybrid
Release date: 17/1/2025
UGS : 0822231188025 Catégories : , , ,



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