When Dalliance Was In Flower – Ed Mccurdy

Go Bring Me A Lass
The Trooper
A young man and a maid
A Wanton Trick
There was a knight
Two maidens went milking one day
A lusty young Smith
Tom and doll
A Riddle
A maiden did a-bathing go
The Jolly Tinker
Old fumbler
The three travelers
Kit hath lost her key
To a lady
The Four Able Physicians
Sylvia the fair
Uptails All
Tottingham Frolic
A young man
A Tradesman
A tenement to let
The playhouse Saint
Merchand and the fidler’s wife
A virgin’s meditation
Would you have a young virgin
The Jolly Miller
Of Chloe and Celia
A Lady So Frolic And Gay
My thing is my own
The jolly pedlar’s pretty thing
To bed to me
The Yeoman Of Kent
The Shepherd
Old brass to mend
As I walked in the woods
The merry wedding
Whilst Alexis lay priest
How happy’s the miller
The Hive Of Bees
The sound country lass
She rose to let me in
The country wake
When Flora
The spinning wheel
The End
Character Of A Mistress
The niller’s daughter
I dreamed my love
The presbyterian wedding
A lamentable case
The way to win her
She Lay All Naked
A pleasant ballad
A maiden’s delight
The Vine
Three Birds
The fornicator

Ed Mccurdy

Format: 2 CD
Release date: 19/4/2012
UGS : 0604988070224 Catégories : ,



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