Antonio De Cabezon: Tientos, Diferencias Y Glosadas – Leon Berben

tientos, diferencias y glosadas
Tiento del primer tono
Canción glosada Triste depart
Diferencias sobre La dama le demanda
Himno Ave Maris Stella I
Himno Ave Maris Stella II
Diferencias sobre El Canto Ilano del Caballero
Ad Dominum cum tribularer
Tiento del sexto tono
Canción glosada Anchor che col partire
Diferencias sobre Quién tu me enojó Isabel
Tiento del sexto tono
Canción glosada Au joly boys
Diferencias sobre La Gallarda Milanesa
Comunio Beata viscera Mariae
Diferencias sobre La Pavana Italiana
Tiento del primer tono
Tiento del cuarto tono

Leon Berben

Format: 1 SACD hybride
Date de sortie : 1/1/2019
Code barre : 4026798111717 Catégories : ,


   in Choir & Organ (Mar, 2019)
One of the greatest privileges of 2018 was the opportunity to perform a recital on the organ now thought to be the oldest in the world, at Ostönnen in Westphalia, dated, through dendrochronological analysis of the wind-chest, to around 1425. Originally built for a much larger church in nearby Soest, the intensity of sound produced by the centuries-old lead pipework is overwhelming. Here, Léon Berben performs Antonio Cabezón, whose mercurial music predates the archetypal division of the Iberian keyboard so essential for the music of, for example, Correa de Arauxo. At a time when geographical characteristics were much less prominent, the match between organ and music here is convincing, and Berben …

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