Brahms: Handel Variations & Ballades – Nelly Akopian-Tamarina

Nelly Akopian-Tamarina

Format: 1 CD
Date de sortie : 1/11/2017
Code barre : 0827949067761 Catégories : ,


   in Classical Music (Jun, 2016)
The start of a remarkable project, allowing the listener to roam a century of European song, intelligently curated and artfully performed. Schade confirms his place as one of our leading Schubertians, yet also gives us Beethoven, Weber and Tomášek; Schwartz, a fine young Spanish singer, her compatriot Sor; Ann Murray, Viotti, and so on. As carefully curated as this first volume is, however, not all songs are consistently inspired; but this is perhaps to be expected on even the best of package holidays. Excellent recorded sound and detailed, interesting sleevenotes. Watch this space. …

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