Essential Recordings – Ma Rainey

See see rider blues
Stack O’Lee blues
Bad luck blues
Bo-Weavil blues
Those all night long blues
Moonshine blues
Honey, where
Ya da do
Lucky rock blues
Shave ’em dry blues
Farewell daddy blues
Booze and blues
Jealous hearted blues
Jelly bean blues
Countin’ the blues
Slave to the blues
Yonder come the blues
Titanic man blues
Chain gang blues
Oh my babe blues
Ma rainey’s black town
Wringing and twisting blues
Sissy blues
Trust no man
Don’t fish in my sea
Blues oh blues
Oh papa blues
Dead drunk blues
New bo weavil blues
Black cat hoot owl blues
hear me talking to you
Prove it on me blues
Daddy goodbye blues
Sleep talking blues
Blame it on the blues
Sweet rough man
Runaway blues
Screech owl blues
Leaving this morning
Black eye blues

Ma Rainey

Format: 2 CD
Date de sortie : 26/5/2016
Code barre : 0805520091947 Catégories : ,



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