Grzegorz Gerwazy Gorczycki

Hejna? mariacki
In virtute tua Domine
O Rex gloriae, Domine
Illuxit sol
Missa Rorate
Missa Rorate
Missa Rorate
Missa Rorate
Missa Rorate
Missa Rorate
Missa Rorate
Missa Rorate
Missa Rorate
Missa Rorate
Conductus Funebris
Conductus Funebris
Conductus Funebris
Conductus Funebris
Sepulto Domino
Litania de Providentia Divina

The Sixteen / Dougan, Eamonn

Format: 1 CD
Date de sortie : 3/4/2015
Code barre : 0828021613029 Catégories : ,


   in Choir & Organ (Sep, 2015)
Far and away the most interesting thing The Sixteen is up to currently is their revelatory Polish series. Stile antico and stile moderno gems from Gorczycki, successor to Bart?omiej Pekiel at the Wawel Cathedral in Krakow, combine to uncloak another master of musical invention. Eamonn Dougan has a sure hand with this repertoire and these performers and, from the a cappella elegance of the Mass to the chattering oboes and sprightly trumpets joining the orchestra for the Litania, there’s energy, verve and emotional depth in magical music that combines Italian stylistic structures with Polish melody. …

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