Hughes: A Purse Of Gold, Irish Songs

The Fanaid Grove
The Leprehaun
When through life unblest we rove
Oh, breathe not his name
I’m a decent good Irish body
She weeps over Rahoon
The Magpie’s nest
Johnny Doyle
Cruckhaun Finn
Johnny I hardly knew ye
The Gartan Mother’s Lullaby
You couldn’t stop a lover
I will walk with my love
She moved thro’ the fair
The Bard of Armagh
The old turf fire
O father, father build me a boat
B for Barney
She lived beside the Anner
The stuttering lovers
O know where I’m goin’
A young maid stood in her father’s garden
The Spanish Lady
Tigaree torum orum

Iain Burnside Ailish Tynan Soprano

Format: 1 CD
Date de sortie : 1/10/2007
Code barre : 0635212010624 Catégories : ,



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