Last Dance – Jarrett

My Old Flame
My Ship
‘Round Midnight
Dance Of The Infidels
It Might As Well Be Spring
Everything Happens To Me
Where Can I Go Without You
Everytime We Say Goodbye

Keith / Haden, Charlie Jarrett

Format: 1 CD
Date de sortie : 13/6/2014
Code barre : 0602537805242 Catégories : ,


   in Piano International (Nov, 2014)
Keith Jarrett and Charlie Haden first played together in 1967. Haden, fresh from helping Ornette Coleman advance the cause of free jazz, joined the pianist’s debut trio, and the two men worked together for the next 10 years, chiefly in Jarrett’s prolific American Quartet. Then, after three decades apart, they were reunited, and so enjoyed playing together again they decided to record as a duo. In March 2007, ensconced for four days in Jarrett’s home studio, they taped sufficient material for two exceptionally beautiful albums: Jasmine appeared in 2010 and now we have Last Dance, the title sadly apposite since Haden died in July, shortly after the CD’s release.

Last …

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