Legendary Vol.5 – Ella Fitzgerald

Louisville, K.Y.
Taking a chance on love
I’m The Lonesomest Gal In Town
Three little words
Hello Mal I Done It Again
The one I love (Belongs to somebody else)
Keep cool, fool
My man
I can’t believe that you’re in love with me
I must have that man
When my sugar walks down the street
I got it bad (And that ain’t good)
Melinda the mousie
Can’t Help Lovin’ That Man
Into each life some rain must fall
It’s Only A Paper Moon
Flying home
Stone Cold Dead In The Market
Patootie pie
That’s Rich

Ella Fitzgerald

Format: 1 CD
Date de sortie : 20/5/2002
Code barre : 0824046511029 Catégories : ,



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