Marcin Mielczewski – The Sixteen

Benedictio et claritas
Missa Cerviensiana
Canzona terza a3
Deus, in nomine tuo
Missa O gloriosa domina
Iubilate Deo
Canzona prima a2
Veni, Domine, et noli tardare
Quem terra, pontus, aethera

The Sixteen, Eamonn Dougan

Format: 1 CD
Date de sortie : 6/10/2017
Code barre : 0828021615320 Catégories : ,


Choir & Organ (May, 2018)
Where does the Italian sun shine in Poland? In the 17th-century sacred music by Marcin Mielczewski, the fifth in The Sixteen’s revelatory Polish series, that’s where. Assorted short works interleave sections of the Missa O gloriosa domina, all graceful, characterful stuff, captured in playing and singing of unimpeachable quality and convincing energy. Wanting greater brightness in the acoustics and recorded sound, nevertheless it’s another significant release in this outstanding collection. …

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