My Inspiration – Irving Fazola

My inspiration
Song of the islands (Na lei o Hawaii)
Jimtown blues
Alice blue gown (“Irene”)
High society
Shivery stomp
Down by the old mill stream
Pagan love song (“The Pagan”)
The skaters’ waltz in swingtime
Mournin’ blues
Breeze, blow my baby back to me
Clarinet blues
Speakeasy (“The Gang’s All Here”)
Can’t we be friends
Hesitating blues
Someday, sweetheart
Sweet Lorraine
Mostly Faz
Jazz me blues
Ostrich walk
Bluin’ the blues
Farewell blues

Irving Fazola

Format: 1 CD
Date de sortie : 1/9/2018
Code barre : 0710357433726 Catégories : ,



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