Ralph Vaughan Williams: Folk Songs Vol.1 – Mary Bevan

Folk Songs from Sussex Bold General Wolfe; Low Down in the Broom; The Thresherman and the Squire; The Pretty Ploughboy; O Who is that that Raps at my Window?; How Cold the Wind doth Blow; Captain Grant; Farewell Lads; Come All You Worthy Christians; The Turkish Lady; The Seeds of Love; The Maid of Islington; Here’s Adieu to all Judges and Juries; Lovely Joan
Six English Folk Songs Robin Hood and the Pedlar; The Ploughman; One Man Two Men; The Brewer; Rolling in the Dew; King William
The Golden Vanity; Just as the Tide was Rowing; The Spanish Ladies

Mary Bevan, Nicky Spence, Roderick Williams, William Vann

Format: 1 CD
Date de sortie : 23/10/2020
Code barre : 5060158190423 Catégories : ,



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