Sergei Prokofiev: Alexander Nevsky, Lieutenant Kije Suite – Leonard Slatkin

Alexander Newski op. 78
Russia under the Mongolian Yoke
Song about Alexander Nevsky
The Crusaders in Pskov
Arise, Ye Russian People
The Battle on the Ice
Field of the Dead
Alexander’s Entry into Pskov
Leutnant Kijé op. 60
1. The Birth of Kijé
2. Romanze
3. Kijé’s Wedding
4. Troika
5. The Burial of Kijé

Claudine Carlson, Arnold Voketaitis, Saint Louis Symphony Chorus, Saint Louis Symphony Orchestra, Leonard Slatkin

Format: 1 CD
Date de sortie : 12/1/2024
Code barre : 0747313303380 Catégories : ,



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