The Songs Of Jimmy Mchugh: I Feel A Song Coming On

I feel a song coming on
I’m in the mood for love
When my sugar walks down the street
Everything is hotsy-totsy now
I can’t believe that you’re in love with me
The Baltimore
Harlem river quiver
I can’t give you anything but love
Diga diga doo
I must have that man
Doin’ the new low down
In a great big way
Futuristic rhythm
Freeze and melt
Hot feet
On the sunny side of the street
Exactly like you
Cuban love song
Goodbye blues
Don’t blame me
Hey, young fella
Dinner at eight
Lost in a fog
I’m livin’ in a great big way
I’m shooting high
Spreading rhythm around
I’ve got my fingers crossed
Lovely lady
With all my heart
Where the lazy river goes by
There’s something in the air
Where are you?
You’re a sweetheart
I love to whistle
My own
South American way
Say it
I’d know you anywhere
Can’t get out of this mood
“Murder” he says
Let’s get lost
Coming in on a wing and a prayer
Say a prayer for the boys over there
I couldn’t sleep a wink last night
A lovely way to spend an evening
How blue the night
It’s a most unusual day
When you and I were young, Maggie, blues
Too young to go steady
Magnolia’s wedding day

Various artists

Format: 2 CD
Date de sortie : 1/7/2019
Code barre : 0710357435423 Catégories : ,



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