Underneath The Arches – Bud Flanagan & Chesney Allen

Underneath the arches
Can’t we meet again?
Down and out blues
Music, Maestro, please!
The umbrella man
Run, rabbit, run
We’re gonna hang out the washing on the Siegfried line
F.D.R. Jones
If a grey-haired lady says “How’s yer father?”
On the outside looking in
Are you havin’ any fun?
I’m nobody’s baby
Yesterday’s dreams
Let’s be buddies
Round the back of the arches
Down Forget-Me-Not Lane
Rose O’Day (The Filla-da-Gusha song)
What more can I say?
I don’t want to walk without you
Miss you
We’ll smile again
Why don’t you fall in love with me?
Two very ordinary people
Shine on, harvest moon

Bud Flanagan & Chesney Allen

Format: 1 CD
Date de sortie : 1/3/2020
Code barre : 0710357436628 Catégories : ,



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