Handel: Arias – Franco Fagioli

Oreste, HWV A11
“Agitato da fiere tempeste” (Act 1)
Serse, HWV 40
“Frondi tenere” (Act 1)
“Ombra mai fu” (Act 1)
“Crude furie degli orridi abissi” (Act 3)
Rinaldo, HWV 7a
“Cara sposa, amante cara” (Act 1)
“Venti, turbini, prestate” (Act 1)
Imeneo, HWV 41
“Se potessero i sospir’ miei” (Act 1)
Il Pastor Fido
“Sento brillar nel sen” (Act 2)
“Pompe vane di morte” (Act 1)
“Dove sei amato bene” (Act 1)
Giulio Cesare in Egitto HWV 17
“Se in fiorito ameno prato” (Atto secondo)
Ariodante HWV 33
“Scherza infida, in grembo al drudo” (Act 2)
“Dopo notte, altra e funesta” (Act 3)
“Ch’io parta?” (Act 3)

Franco Fagioli, Zefira Valova, Il Pomo d’Oro

Format: 1 CD
Release date: 12/1/2018
Artikelnummer: 0028947975410 Categorieën: , ,


Le contreténor virtuose Franco Fagioli publie le récital que nous attendions tous de lui! Un florilège d’airs au large spectre d’émotions et de couleurs caractéristiques de l’opéra haendélien.

De virtuoze contratenor Franco Fagioli komt met het recital dat we allemaal van hem verwachtten! Een bloemlezing van arias waarvan het brede spectrum aan emoties en kleuren kenmerkend zijn voor de opera’s van Händel.

   in Opera Now (Jun, 2018)
More countertenor excitements from Franco Fagioli in a collection of Handel Arias. Fagioli reveals no chink in his technical armoury. His voice has a more buoyant thrill to it than Cencic’s and he is keen to show it off; but he is also happy to relax into a long- spun line and revel in the languor of the moment, relish a messa di voce and decorate with discretion. A couple of times, an over-excited high note creeps in: the effect is rather like having someone stamp on your foot in an otherwise smooth dance. Nevertheless, this is incredibly polished singing, and there is a palpable sense of the thought and …

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